
234 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I have a picture of some sort of nice garden, right off the bat, some nice scenery, awesome.

The build up is nice, you switch the sound with some bitcrusher which is tasty, and the sneaky beat & bass build up is cool. Wondering where it'll go from there. Everythings coming in filtered.


Drop time. Sounds cool. You've opened up the highs a bit too much though buddy, it's a tad harsh on head phones. The drop itself is nice though. The rhythm is certainly there!

Where's the rest of the track at?

TrickshotMusic responds:

Im excited about how you described it, melodic dubstep is about catching different emotions and thats what i wanted. and for you to explain it perfectly made it pretty simple. Though i do agree that the highs in the drop were too high but that also brings me to a point that its not finished and im still gonna try and find a vocalist. I hope youll find the full song better.

Has a grimey video game start, some cool 8 bitish business going on there. You're short selling yourself in the description dude! It certainly sounds cool / different.

The drop itself is quite odd feeling, gives it a Halloween style vibe. Where's the snare at though? It kicks in around 1:12 but needs a bit more presence, maybe up the volume or add some more separation or layer it with another snare or chuck a reverse snare before it?

Oh, the wobble effect around 1:44 is very nice indeed.

2:17 is sexyaf!! Let that instrument kick in a bit harder dude, it sits in the background a bit.

The flow of the track is good dude. Composition wise it's good. Just need to brushen up the levels here and mixdown. It sounds like it was produced on a mobile phone, by a dude who has some solid music knowledge and composition skills, but isn't quite adding umph to the instruments.


Overall dude, worst dubstep song ever produced.

I jest. The composition is very nice and it sounds quite unique. Just need to focus on the technical bits of the production namely volume levels and general mixing. Some elements that could have had more presence were in the background, where they should have been more in the front of the mix, you can do this by EQing the low levels, for example boosting your bass on the bassline & kick, and cutting the bass on everything else, similarly for the snare, boosting the upper mid range. Figuring out where each instrument sits in the mix, will let you push through the sounds more on each one and bring everything much louder. Particularly important I'd say for your drums, hats and snares, as they seem to be under-powered especially in the earlier part of the song, up till like 1:12, then your snare & hat is audible but your kick is quiet and that messy melody is perhaps too far in the background, especially as you layer a second melody with it at 1:26, they make it hectic, whereas what you could do is some channel panning, throw one instrument more to the left, the other more to the right, and perhaps pull the mid instrument up an octave and then remove the bottom end of it so your mid to bass sounds can float on their own.

Anyway dude, I'm waffling, good composition! I enjoyed it :)

DustifiedGD responds:

This is one of the greatest notifications for a review I have ever received. I considered this track complete garbage but clearly that’s not what people think, based on the ratings and this review. I really need to use the EQ more.... and there were snares and reverse snares in the first part of the drops, then the second part I decided to remove them because it was too hectic. Yeah I should have made them louder but I was too worried about the track being too quiet :/. I will take your feedback into consideration when I inevitably make a second dubstep track :)

Future basss!!! Just getting into this genre :D

Ok, here we go with a review.

Straight off the bat, the bells and strings are setting a nice scene. Definitely emotional. The supporting strings at :15 are nice and the swish into the :25 is decent. Could definitely chuck some low rumble under it too, like those chinese style drums, the ones they roll.

The breakdown up to :57 is nice too.

Yeah, the drop is good. Tasty. Comes in quite sudden but I saw it due to the waveform, might have caught me off if I couldn't see the wave.

The bit ontop of the wobbles, the melody thing is damn sexy. The mixdown needs work though, the wobbles have odd strengths. Whereas the other sections are quite well balanced, the drop levels need tweaking.

The emotional string bits are very inspired! Nice!

Dash a flute in there, or I think you have, bring it out more, chuck some volume into it or perhaps some EQ.

I think the drop needs the wobbles to sit on their own a bit more and have a bassline underneath it. So a smooth bass, with the lows & highs cut from the wobble, so it's like a side gig and the bass and melodies are the main focus.

Composition wise it's very nice dude. Just some mixing needs tweaking and it'll be tasty as heck!

4/5 because of the mixing but 10000/5 for the composition and emotional bits. Nailed it dude. Good work :)

jjoon responds:

What the...? It is really long review. Thank you first!
Well... Yeah I know I'm not good at equalizing.
I'll try harder. more more harder.

Starts off with a very Pendulum Taratunla-esque vibe crossed with some hip hop style thanks to that high synth that kicks in shortly after.

The drop itself is decent. The beat is quite compact and the snare has a nice resonance to it.

Good start dude.

Would like to see what you do later with the drop.

Some ideas:
- Have that arp double up its timing on the third beat, so the current timing for beat 1 and 2, then when the wobble kicks in, have the arp go fast to match the speed of the wobble sort of.
- When the arp is on its own at 0:46, you could throw it into some other notes. So it could play the first half the same, then the second bit of the bar would play a slightly varied melody.
- Then you could take that arp and do things to it melody wise which could lead into a new section, basically you have created space there by letting it sit on its own to do something really juicy with it melodically.
- The second half of the drop, you could play around some more with the wobble & sounds, make them do something slightly different to the first half.

The drop is the least complete part as you've said so I've commented it on the most, the intro was decent so haven't too much to say on it.

If you had some hip hop style vocals, or Jamaican rastafari stuff to layer over the intro, it would fit very well.

Anyway, good stuff. Gimme a heads up if you want a review on the final version.


RKNE responds:

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

In response:
-I'll try the double time right now!
-I understand what you mean; it's really empty on the last section of the drop, I just haven't really figured out what to put there yet, so variation of the arp in that section would be quite cool, or maybe a fill or some fx (or a new synth, idk)
-Juicy! I like the sound of it! I'll see what I can do :D
-Gotcha - I might try more focus on melody in drop 2 instead of just [Bass] [Supersaws] [Synth] [Supersaws] etc

Also, completely understand what you think about adding vocals, just need to source some (hopefully find some acapellas or something, Reggae or Rastafarian like you mentioned)

Really useful advice, I appreciate it greatly! I'll take it into account moving forwards with the track, and I'll make sure to message you if I finish it (if that's ok!)

Have you made any songs I could check out? It would be great to hear another producer's music, not just the stuff churned out by the big artists!

A nice epic start to the track, has a deus ex style vibe with the spaced out synth. The build is good too, I like how you change the pitch THEN DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN IT HITS XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Very nice drop, very very heavy and dark vibe to the track.

The switch ups are good too, I'm kinda regretting looking at the waveform as it gave away the surprise but still, nicely done.

The second drop is for sure my favourite bit. The whole drop feels like a flash bang went off in my bedroom and the PC is melting xD

Good stuff. Quite an experimental vibe to it and it maintains the feel that was there from the start.

Definitely could see this work well for either a game or movie. Action style with lots of slow mo!

Good work

Delerium responds:

appreciate the review man <3

glad you enjoyed it

Review time :D

The song starts with some good mystery, some outer space vibe, I like it.

DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNN at 0:28! That was a great contrast to the bit before. Now I feel like I've entered tribal territory.

Good switch and build so far. Feels like some strange jungle / forest dark business with some UFO elements chucked in.

Some feedback:
- Dash those snares around the 1:30-1:45 mark with a dash more energy
- Widen your plucks with an automation curve, the ones around the 2:30-2:50 mark, especially as they transition into that new sound
- Watch the volume levels on a few of those sounds around the 2 min mark, the ya-ya sound is a tad louder compared to the rest.
- Smash a crash cymbal around the 3:20 mark, or something to throw the user into a deeper zone, especially as this is the second big drop since the first. Could be a downsweep or something else. Just would emphasise it more.

Good stuff dude! My favourite bit is the switch up at 0:28 seconds. Very nice.

CryNN responds:

Loving your feedback. Thank you! :)

Funky! Nice use of melodies and the beat goes well too. Good work :)

putzpie responds:

Thanks m8, glad you're diggin it

Lovely melodies and overall great feel to the piece. Keep it up!

Kabalist responds:

Thank you! I appreciate the positive response! :)

Nice work! Has a very cyberpunk feel to it. Good work.

ZxOOxZ responds:

thank you very much! I did Try to go a bit Cyber on this :)

Thoughtful stuff. Definitely gets you thinking right off the bat. I can imagine a scene out of a movie with the actor by the sea, windy day and it's cold. Their hair is getting thrown about by the breeze. A film set in a seemingly normal town however there is still suffering and difficulty being faced by people, in particular with drugs and domestic troubles. Something along those lines, one of those films that makes you think. Requiem for a dream meets American History X.

Great work!

CarvelsCake responds:

comment like this means a lot for me,thank you so much.i`ll hope someday someone will make a movie with my music ;)

Back in the flow of things!

Aydin @Aydin-Jewelz123

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