Has a grimey video game start, some cool 8 bitish business going on there. You're short selling yourself in the description dude! It certainly sounds cool / different.
The drop itself is quite odd feeling, gives it a Halloween style vibe. Where's the snare at though? It kicks in around 1:12 but needs a bit more presence, maybe up the volume or add some more separation or layer it with another snare or chuck a reverse snare before it?
Oh, the wobble effect around 1:44 is very nice indeed.
2:17 is sexyaf!! Let that instrument kick in a bit harder dude, it sits in the background a bit.
The flow of the track is good dude. Composition wise it's good. Just need to brushen up the levels here and mixdown. It sounds like it was produced on a mobile phone, by a dude who has some solid music knowledge and composition skills, but isn't quite adding umph to the instruments.
Overall dude, worst dubstep song ever produced.
I jest. The composition is very nice and it sounds quite unique. Just need to focus on the technical bits of the production namely volume levels and general mixing. Some elements that could have had more presence were in the background, where they should have been more in the front of the mix, you can do this by EQing the low levels, for example boosting your bass on the bassline & kick, and cutting the bass on everything else, similarly for the snare, boosting the upper mid range. Figuring out where each instrument sits in the mix, will let you push through the sounds more on each one and bring everything much louder. Particularly important I'd say for your drums, hats and snares, as they seem to be under-powered especially in the earlier part of the song, up till like 1:12, then your snare & hat is audible but your kick is quiet and that messy melody is perhaps too far in the background, especially as you layer a second melody with it at 1:26, they make it hectic, whereas what you could do is some channel panning, throw one instrument more to the left, the other more to the right, and perhaps pull the mid instrument up an octave and then remove the bottom end of it so your mid to bass sounds can float on their own.
Anyway dude, I'm waffling, good composition! I enjoyed it :)