Nice synth and your supporting piano melodies are great. Loving the stereo sound works you got going on with the panning. You could tone it down a smidge towards the 40 second mark, so as it fades out, have it be in the center. The drop is a bit over the place. Quite dysphoric. If that's what you're going for. Your sound is very clean though. The switch up at 1:27 with the vocals is strong dude. Those first set of vocals and your scratching effects are very strong so use those more!
The 1:51 drop is nearly there. It just lacks the punch. Your kick and bass aren't quite coming through. The mids / synths are overblowing the sound a bit.
Man, I'm being so harsh with this review but you have a unique sound that just needs some tweaking to shine / some refinements. Just get the mix down a bit cleaner, so your drums and snares have space to breathe, and it'll massively improve the quality imo.
Great composition though dude.